We value our early learning and care educators, providers and families and offer many approaches to strengthening knowledge, and connection to resources. Visit the program pages in your area of interest to learn more about the SCOE Early Learning Department that best fits you!
Raising Quality Together (RQT), Sacramento County’s Quality Improvement System, works closely with early learning and care programs, providers, and early educators to support their commitment to quality, improvement, and growth.
The California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) is funded by the California Department of Social Services, Child Care and Development Division and has provided high-quality professional learning, technical assistance, and support to California’s preschool program administrators and teachers through its statewide network since 2004.
Early Head Start Home-Based services are provided to expectant parents and families with children ages birth to 3 from diverse cultural backgrounds and who speak different languages. Early Head Start Educators provide weekly visits to provide resources and strategies for families.
Help Me Grow Sacramento County provides families with outreach and support to increase their awareness of developmental milestones and connect them to resources and services for their child’s optimal development. Serving families with children birth through five residing in Sacramento County.
The primary mission of the LPCs is to plan for child care and development services based on the needs of families in the local community. LPCs are intended to serve as a forum to address the child care needs of all families in the community for all types of child care, both subsidized and non-subsidized.
WPG supports early educators, providers, and caregivers through professional growth stipends to complete professional learning hours and degree-pathway college units. WPG also supports new family child care providers by reimbursing the cost of the initial Licensing fee and initial Health & Safety Training.