Supporting High-Quality Early Learning Programs

Welcome! The Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) plays a leadership role in advocating for high-quality early learning programs for all children in Sacramento County.

SCOE’s Early Learning Department promotes a strong early learning community
to support children, families, educators, and providers by enhancing quality and developing
systems for continuous improvement through education, innovation, and collaboration.

Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) 

Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) – SCOE Early Learning

We support UPK as a mixed delivery system that includes transitional kindergarten (TK), California State Preschool Program (CSPP), Head Start Programs, private and public early learning and care providers, and additional partners, as part of a statewide preschool through third grade initiative. 

Early Learning and Care Program Support

Early Learning and Care Program Support – SCOE Early Learning

Early learning and care educators and providers can access supports to build upon their existing quality: professional learning opportunities, technical assistance including coaching, and workforce development stipend programs.   

Family and Community Engagement

Family and Community Engagement – SCOE Early Learning

Families are a child's first teacher. Family and community engagement focuses on programs that maximize a family’s choice for the best early learning and care program for their children, including children who are multilingual or have exceptional needs.

Our Vision – SCOE Early Learning

Our Vision

Sacramento County’s early learning community is equitable, diverse and inclusive. It is a place where young children, families, providers and educators can thrive.

Our Mission – SCOE Early Learning

Our Mission

To develop and enhance a quality mixed delivery system of early learning programs for ALL children
anchored in continuous improvement through education, innovation, and collaboration.