
Finding Early Care and Education for Your Child

Finding the right program for your child can be a daunting and stressful process. Our Finding Early Care and Education Resource Page can connect families to local agencies that provide care and more. Explore the links below to learn about various early learning programs in your area.

Sacramento County Child Care Resource & Referral

Sacramento County Child Care Resource – SCOE Early Learning

Child Action, Inc. programs include resource and referral services for families seeking child care, child care subsidies for qualifying families, recruitment and professional development of the child care workforce, and family education and support. Child Action, Inc. has specialists available who speak English, Spanish, Russian, Dari, and several other languages fluently. They are able to provide useful information to consider while selecting a program to meet your family’s needs. 

My Child Care Plan California

Head Start and Early Head Start – SCOE Early Learning

My Child Care Plan has partnered with child care resource and referral agencies (CCR&Rs) from every county in California to create an easy-to-search directory of child care options and a simple glossary of child care programs, philosophies, and terms. You can learn current information about child care—from how to find quality child care to getting help paying for it.My Child Care Plan makes it easier for families to connect with local child care providers and their local CCR&Rs to help them through their child care search.


Child Development Resources – SCOE Early Learning

Beanstalk's main focus and purpose has been to provide affordable child care, preschool, and nutrition programs for families who had limited financial resources. Beanstalk offers free or low cost care to eligible families with licensed family child care providers’ homes located throughout the greater Sacramento area. Our diverse network of select, licensed family child care providers offer families a variety of child care options to fit their needs.

California Department of Social Services

Child Development Resources – SCOE Early Learning

The Department of Social Services posts information about licensed facilities throughout California through the Child Care Licensing Program. This program ensures the health and safety of children in care. The Child Care Licensing Program ensures that licensed facilities meet established health and safety standards through monitoring facilities, providing technical assistance, and establishing partnerships with providers, parents, and the child care community.

School District Early Learning Programs

Child Development Resources – SCOE Early Learning

School districts offer School Readiness Programs and Early Learning Programs for children zero to five years of age. Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is a part of the state’s Universal PreKindergarten mixed delivery system to meet the early education needs of four-year-old children and their families. Each elementary or unified school district must offer TK classes for all children eligible to attend. A child who completes one year in a TK program may continue in a kindergarten program for one additional year. 

Finding High Quality Care Guide

Child Action Inc. has created these guides to help Sacramento County families find and select the best care for their child. Available in different languages, click on the Finding High Quality Care Guide below.